
Showing posts from 2004

Magnitude 9.0 , Fourth largest since 1900, more than 10,000 killed

With magnitude fixed to 9.0M this 4th largest quake since 1900, more than 10,000 killed and they say this number will rise to more than 15,000.ten thousands of people injured,most victims were in Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia.there are many lost and still there is no news from them.

More than 7,000 killed, more than 10,000 injured, Numbers are rising

More than 7,000 killed and this number is rising, more than 10,000 injured, most of deaths and injured were because of massive waves after the quake and rising water.2000 of deaths were in Indian coast, about 1500 in Indonesia and Thailand.

8.9 Richter, Largest quake since 1964 - Fifth since 1900

As USGS reported, this quake which it's magnitude has corrected to amazing number of 8.9 degrees in richter scale, is the largest quake since 1964 Prince William Sound, Alaska earthquake, and the fifth since 1900. Death toll rised to more than thousand of people, many missed at Thailand sea, many Islands covered by water, Malidives is covered by water, three children killed as massive waves happened.

Latest News about number of deaths

As latest reports at least 500 killed in southern Sri Lanka, 74 in southern India, 100 in South of India Islands, hundreds in may other places, and also many dead feared. Maldices is flooded after quakes too, no reports from damages recieved. More news will be post.

Breaking News: Another deathroll in december

With a 8.5M quake happened in off coast west of Sumatra and a 7.3M quake in Nicobar Islands and a 6.5M in southern Bangladesh another deathroll happened in december(last year about 40,000 people killed in Bam - Iran quake).With those quakes happened many injured and still there is not a exact number of killed and injured but it will be high, not many hours passes from the quake but untill now at least 9 people killed and thousand injured, buildings collapsed and telephone service disrupted at Banda Aceh. Buildings destroyed or damaged at Ko Lanta, Thailand by a tsunami. Tsunamis observed on the coasts of Sri Lanka, Sumatra and Thailand. Felt widely in northern Sumatra. Felt in Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore and Thailand. Water rised and many coasts and cities which are near seas are covering by water, rivers flooded and are disturbing many cities, one of most important and biggest Islands in south of Bangladesh is going under water. After those quakes abouth 10 over 5M...

20 of december, 5.3M quake over east coast of Honshu, Japan

On 20 of december a 5.3M quake happened on east coast of Honshu,Japan, which was predicted by me but I missed it when it happened and I got it today, So it was predicted.

West of Turkey prediction was correct

A 5.3M quake happened on west of Turkey which was predicted by me on 11 of december, and it was all correct in all parameters.

Uncertain south of Japan EQ cloud

Uncertain EQ clouds over south of Japan, so if it's EQ cloud, then a 5M or stronger quake will happen there in next 21 days.

South of Iran EQ cloud

Here you can see EQ clouds over south of Iran and maybe another ones in over south east. so a quake will happen there now, it will happen from now to next month, with magnitude of about 5M.

4.9M quake south of Japan, predicted?!

The 4.9M quake of south of Japan that happened a few days before can be one of my preditions for there with lower magnitude.but still we must wait.

West of Turkey and three more Mediterranean sea region quakes happened

A 4.3M quake shaked western of Tukey, so my prediction was correct except errors in magnitude which was +0.7M, although I must say that maybe other quakes will happen there. And three more quakes happened in Mediterranean sea regions with magnitude of 4.8M, 4.5M and 4.1M.

Off shore east of Japan EQ clouds continue...

The third time in few days that I see EQ cloud at there, this time a little norther. so my prediction for a over 5M quake there in next 14 days is getting more certain.

Western Turkey EQ cloud

Here is an EQ cloud over western turkey or may be two, another on west of black sea. so quakes is possible there from now to next three weeks and a month maybe. the magnitude will be about 5M.

Uncertain NW,N of Iran EQ cloud

Here is an uncertain EQ cloud over northwest and north of Iran, if true, then a about 5M quake will happen there from now to aone month after.

The Albenia quake was 4.5M, so my prediction was correct at all

The quake of Albenia that I told it was 4.3M , has corrected by USGS and it was 4.5M, so my prediction was 100% correct.

Mediterranean regions( Albania ) and east of Tukey (with delay) predictions happened

The quake that I predicted for Mediterranean sea regions yesterday, happened today in Albania with magnitude of 4.3M, it was weaker than 4.5 to 5.5 that I predicted so maybe another one will happen. And my east of Turkey predictions happened with delay and lower magnitude so still there is chance of stronger one there too.

Another off coast East or SE of Japan EQ cloud

Here is another EQ cloud this time more far from coast of east and south east of Japan, so an over 5M quake will happen there from now to two weeks after.

Uncertain for off coast south of Japan, Ukraine, Mediterranean regions and Pakistan

All places that I said in the title are under threat of quake, but with an uncertain prediction.magnitude for off coast south of Japan is over 5M, for Ukraine about 5M, for Mediterranean area between 4.5M to 5.5M and for pakistan about 5 or 5.5M. photos will be attached later if they happened, because they are uncertain.

Today's 5.0M quake in south of Iran was predicted

Today a 5.0M quake happened in south of Iran(17km SW of Kahnuj, 148km NE of Bandar Abbas) was predicted by me, but still it's too soon to tell it was for which of my predictions because I predicted more than one and still we got time see if others happen, although this one was predicted.

South of Kazakhstan or borders EQ cloud

Here you can see EQ cloud over south of Kazakhstan or one of it's southern borders. A quake about 5.5M will happen thre from now to three weeks.

East of Japan( or off coast ) EQ cloud

Here you can see an EQ cloud over east of Japan or off coast there. so a over 5M or 5.5M quake will happen there between now and two weeks after.

My North of Philippines and Morocco predictions was correct

Sorry for delay, about two weeks ago my prediction for Philippines happened that I missed it. And three days ago a 5.1M quake shaked north of Morocco which was predicted by me.

My Kyrgyzstan - China border region prediction was right

On 9 and 12 of november I predicted quakes in Kyrgyzystan - China border. yesterday a 5.2M and a 5.1M quakes happened there, my prediction was correct.

ALERT: Great quake in Iran is on the way...

I had contacts with Mr.Shan mugasundaram, Indian earthquake researcher and predictor (with sunshine), and we both agreed that a huge quake will shake Iran in next few days.we use two different methods and we both predicted this so the chance is high. Suspicious places are west,southwest,northern center and southeast. here is the predictions of Mr.Shan mugasundaram: So I alert anyone who cares on those places to do what they must do before a quake like putting an earthquake bag with useful things on it around themselves. I hope that not another disaster like the last year of bam happens and I hope that my prediction goes wrong. Although I must say that still there is chance of failure of my prediction, but I put 70% chance of happening on it. the quake will be between 5M or 5.5M to 6.5M or 7M. so wish that a little one happens!

Tehran,Iran EQ cloud

Here is an EQ cloud over Tehran,Iran. this is an important news for people of my country, the quake will be about 5.5M, and will happen in three weeks to one month from now.

West and northern center of Iran, and uncertain north of Iran EQ clouds

In this image you can see EQ clouds over west and northern center of Iran and an uncertain one over north and northeast. the first one will cause an over 5.5M quake, and the uncertain one will cause the same but if true. these quakes will happen in one month from now.

My west of Iran(W - SW) prediction was correct

Exactly one month ago I predicted over 5M quake over west or southwest of Iran(prediction on 22 of october that still exist in the main page), from 2 days ago some quakes with magnitude of 5M nad more(to 5.3M) started to shekae there, and untill now about three or four over 5M quakes shaked that place(between Ilam and Khorram abad). the max time on my prediction was a month and now is one month after. so my prediction was correct.

Southeast of Iran

Here is an EQ cloud over southeast of Iran, at first I thought it is an uncertain one but after Mr. Shanmugasundaram prediction for same place, and after more studying over it I found that a quake with magnitude of about 5.5M or more will happen there in about 25 days.

Kyrgyzistan Prediction happened

From 12th of november in many prediction EQ clouds were near kyrgyzistan and in some I told its name and in some I told its naighbours, at last yesterday a 5.& m happened, epicenter was in Takikistan but it was more near to a city in Kygyzistan.

High Seismism activity days, many uncertain places.

In these images you can see many uncertain EQ clouds, I prefer just to say about country names, but the risk is high in those areas in next 30 days. Northeast of black sea( Russia ), east of Turkey, northeast of Iran and Turkministan border, Pakistan - India border, Kyrgyzistan and west(southwest) of china or border, west and north central of Iran,Lybia or Egypt border, northern phillipines Islands. More informations about these places if recieved will be posted later. Note: click on the Images to see them in full size, they are in large size so I put their thumbnails on site.

My Afghanistan - Pakistan border EQ prediction was correct (or Afghanistan uncertain)

One day after my predition a 5M quake shaked afghinstan near border with my prediction was correct. I dont know this one was the one on the borders that I predicted or the afghanistan uncertain one, soon we will know or even maybe both cloud are caused from one fault.

Pakistan - Afghanistan - India , With one EQ cloud, Afghanistan uncertain

Here is a long EQ cloud over Pakistan - Afghanistan and India, it's a long shaped and in place that borders of these countries are very close to each other, so a quake will happen in that region from now in 21 days with magnitude over 5M. In this image you can see another one that I marked on NW of last one, this an uncertain one over Afghanistan and if its true then a quake will haen in the same time period and magnitude.

West of China or Kyrgyzistan border EQ cloud

In this Image you can clearly see EQ clouds over west of china or it's border with kyrgyzistan, So a between 5M and 6.5M quake will happen there during 21 days from now.

East of Turkey - Northwest of Iran border EQ cloud

In this image you can see EQ cloud over east of turkey and northwest of iran and also maybe its over armenia and azerbaijan too. A quake with magnutide of over 5M will happen there from now to three weeks later or even a month. Another one that you can see in the image is over nrtheast of turkey and its border, its uncertain but if correct then another with same status will happen there.

Kyrgyzistan - China border EQ cloud

Here you can see EQ cloud over Kyrgyzistan - China(Xizang I think) border,So a quake with magnitude of about 5M will happen there. It may happen from now to next three weeks. On the Image there is an uncertain EQ cloud over northern china too,I think it is around Xinjiang and Kazakhstan border.So if this is an EQ cloud then a more than 5M quake will happen there in the same time period.

My off coast West of Canada prediction happened with delay

On 30 of september I predicted an over 5M EQ over off coast west of canada in three weeks, today a 6.5M quake happened there, so my prediction happened with 11 days delay.

East of Turkey or neighbour EQ cloud

Here you can see an EQ cloud over East of Turkey or it's border with one of northeast or east countries. the quake will happen in three weeks with magnitude of about 5M.

Kazakhstan quake prediction was correct

As I predicted a quake happened in eastern Kazakhstan with magnitude of 5.5M.(close to border with China - Xinjiang).so my prediction was 100% correct.

Archiving my site contents for easier access

From now and with good advise of Mr.shan mugasundaram I will archive of my past months posts(can find and be accessed in left bar of site),and from now in the main page you will find about last 2 month posts.It has done for better, easier and faster access to my site as now it contains too many images.

My west coast of Japan prediction was correct

I predicted on 22 of october a over 5M or over 5.5M quake in west coast of japan, Today a 5.5M and a 6.1M quakes happened there. Note(added on 24th): Locals of Japan measured this quake at 6.8Ms and China Seismology Bureau measured it at 7Ms, over 500 peple are killed or wounded.

West coast of Japan EQ cloud

In this image you can see EQ cloud over westcoast of Japan and off coast of it.So quake will happen there from now to two weeks after,the magnitude will be over 5M or 5.5M.

West of Iran or border and neighbour EQ cloud

In this one you can see EQ clouds over west of Iran and border with Iraq and east of Iraq.So quake will happen there from now to next three weeks or a month, magnitude will be over 5M.

Kazakhstan or border with xinjiang EQ cloud

Here is and EQ cloud over north and northeast of Kazakhstan,but it may happen on border with xinjiang, the magnitude will be around 5M and it will happen between next hours to 3 weeks after.

Japan and Philippines predictions was correct

On 16th and 17th of ocotber I predicted quakes one in off coast southeast of japan with magnitude of over 5.5M ,and another in north of Philippines islands. Today a 5.6M quake happened in off coast southeast of japan(SE of honshu) and a 5.5M in north of philippines islands, so my predictions both was correct.

UNCERTAIN southeast of Iran EQ cloud

This kind of clouds are still uncertain for me because sometimes they caused quakes, sometimes not.but if this time it is EQ cloud so a quake will happen there with magnitude of about 5M in one month.

Quake in west of Iran

A 4.5M quake happened in northwest of Iran, it was predicted on 6th of has delay in comparing with normal time of my other predictions.

Semnan(Northeast of Iran) quake happened, 5.3M

On 6th of october I predicted a quake in semnan(northeast of Iran) with magnitude of over 5M, at yesterday morning a 5.3M quake happened there(garmsar in semnan provience),so that prediction was completely correct too. Note: the prediction and EQ cloud of 6th of october was not the first time that I saw EQ cloud at that place.

S off coast of japan to N of philippines EQ cloud

It is the continue of my yesterday japan prediction, the EQ cloud is like the yesterday's. but now from south off coast of japan to north of philippines. Still waiting for a large one in those areas.

Iraq - Iran border earthquake (predicted on ocotber 10)

Today a 5.3M quake happened in Iraq - Iran border(49KM west of Ilam), this one was predicted by me on 10 of october as Iraq uncertain with magnitude of about 5.

Pacific ocean(Close to W coast of CA) and N of Mexico or SW of USA

In this image you can see some EQ clouds over pacific ocean and close to west coast of CA, I guess there will be quake and most likely that epicenter will be on ocean.this will happen in a month with magnitude of about 5M. Another one is in north of Mexico or in Arizona I think, but I am not sure about this one. My 27 of september prediction for north of Califonia gulf was right, two days ago an over 4M quake happened there.

Northeast to south of Japan large EQ cloud

Chinese's experts predicted a very large EQ happen in next few days and it seems to be that it will be around Japan.At last tonight I think I found what I was looking for(hope that my mind didn't affected because of their prediction). You can see a very large EQ cloud from northwest of japan to south.It shows a large and main fault activities there.So I can't say exactly which part of Japan,but it will be in those areas.So a quake will happen there in two weeks and magnitude will be over 5.5M and maybe it will be very larger(those experts predicted it will be about 7.5M or 8M).

Northwest or north of Iran EQ cloud (maybe the same as yesterday's)

Here is EQ cloud over northwest and north of Iran,maybe it is the same as my yesterday post(SE of turkey or NW of Iran), If it is different so quake is possible there in next three weeks or a month with magnitude of over or about 5M.

SE of Turkey or NW of Iran EQ cloud

In this image you can see an EQ cloud, maybe it is a sign for quake in southeast of Turkey or mayve in northwest of Iran because it is long shaped EQ cloud.So an about 5M quake will happen there in next thre weeks or a month.

Chile and Iran predictions were correct.

Two over 4M earthquakes happened in chile instead of one 5M, and an about 5M happened in argentina,where the EQ cloud is marked on my chile prediction and I thought that it is the same as chile's EQ cloud. And on 20 of september I made a prediction for east of Iran, today a 4.4M quake happened in east of Iran(51km SW of Neyband).

My west of China and Kyrgyzistan prediction was exactly right

Yesterday I predicted an EQ on west of china and kyrgyzistan border region wiht magnitude of about 5M. Today a 5M quake happened exactly my prediction was exactly righ and excelent on three parameters of location,magnitude and time. here is a link for more information about this quake that happened:

Close to west coast of Portugal EQ cloud

In this image you can see EQ cloud close towest coast of Portugal so a quake will happen there in next three weeks with magnitude over or equal to 4.5M. I saw some uncertain EQ cloud over black sea too.

West of China and Kyrgyzistan border EQ cloud

You can see EQ cloud over west of China and I think it's border with Kyrgyzistan. So quake will happen there in three weeks with magnitude of about 5M.

Uncertain Iraq EQ cloud

I am not sure that this is EQ cloud because of other clouds coverd it is not clear for me.But if it is then a about 5M EQ(or two over 4M) will happen there in three weeks.

A 5.8M quake shaked Golestan on North of Iran, (was predicted as uncertain)

At 1:16AM a 5.8M quake(said Tehran university,5.6Msaid usgs and emsc-csem,6M said Iranian seismology research center) shaked west of Gonbadkavos in Golestan provience on north of Iran and border of Turkministan.This one was predicted as an uncertain prediction on 20 of september.

Northern Chile EQ cloud

In This Image you can see EQ cloud both not exactly over north of chile, but it means to me that an over 5M or over 5.5M EQ will happen in northern Chile in next three weeks.

Another large quake in south of Iran

Few hours ago another quake shaked south of Iran,the quake was 5.4M and the epicenter was north of Hormozgan provience(close to Ziaratgah-e Shah Cheragh and dowlat abad).The EQ clouds of this quake was the same as yesterdays(the one which I marked with question mark on my prediction).

My Japan prediction was correct

Today many quakes happened in Japan region but one of them that was 4.8M was exactly on that place that I marked on map on 3rd of october.So my prediction was all correct in three parameters of location magnitude and time.

Iran shaked in different parts,My predictions was correct

Today two quakes shaked southeast of Iran, One 5.2M in Kerman Provience(Southeast of Deltard, Northeast of Sabzevaran, Southwest of Bam) and another 4.9M ans souther than this one near coast of Oman sea.I predicted both of these but not I was not certain about second on 30 of september and you can see it on site.(second one has some error in magnitude but the first one is all correct.) Last night another quake shaked northwest of Iran on West Azarbaijan provience(on Naqade and near to Mahabad.)The magnitude was 4.6M.and this one may have conncetion to EQ clouds that I posted on 6 of september.

Some chance on South of California and southeast of Iceland

Also There is chance of quake in southeast of Iceland and south of california and mexico border in next weeks

Northeast of Iran EQ cloud(Semnan)

In this one you can see EQ cloud over northeast of Iran (semnan), it's not the first ime that I see EQ clouds there, I have no Idea about if this clouds appear because of that region weather and mountains.but if it is an EQ cloud magnitude will be over 5M and will happen in a month.

Between South Korea and China EQ cloud

In this image you can see an EQ cloud somewhere between south of South Korea and east of china on the sea as I marked. magnitude will be around 5 and it will happen in three weeks.

My southwest of Greece prediction was exactly right

As I predicted on 28 of september and you can see it on site, I predicted an EQ for southwest of greece and I marked the epicenter on map it was on sea(IONIAN SEA) and I predicted that it will be around 5M and it will happen in three weeks. Today a 5M quake shaked exactly that place that I told in predicted time, magnitude and location, so it was all correct.

close to South coast of Japan EQ cloud

Here you can see EQ cloud close to south coast of japan.So Two between 4.5M and 5M quakes or one over 5M quake will happen there in next two weeks. (The Image has a little large size, so click on it to enlarge.)

Morocco,near west coast of Canada and southeast of Iran EQ clouds

In first image you can see EQ cloud over morocco, quake will happen in three weeks with magnitude between near 5. In the second one you can see EQ clouds close to west coast of Canada, on the ocean.quake is possible there in two or three weeks the magnitude will be over 5. In the last image you can see EQ clouds over southeast of Iran near border.the quake will be over 5 or near 5 and will happen maximum in one month.another one that I marked with a question mark is because that I am not sure about it but if it is an EQ cloud it is a long time prediction even for two months and around 5.5M. the more accurate news about this one will be published soon.

East coast of japan EQ prediction happened

As I predicted yesterday, quakes happened in east coast of japan,two quakes, one 4.5M and another one 4.9M. so my prediction was corret.

At last California quake happened

After many EQ clouds appeared over california today a large quake ( 6M ) happened in central california, the epicenter was more close to what that I predicted than the American scientists predicted(you can read my california prediction report to find it out).Hope that this quake didn't kill anybody.

prediction for east coast of Japan

In this one you can see EQ clouds on east coast of japan, quake will happen in two weeks and magnitude will be between 4 and 5. another EQ cloud is on the right of it that I marked , on that place there is chance of quake too.

Prediction for atlantic ocean (near west coast of morocco)

Hear you can see an EQ cloud on atlantic ocean near west coast of morocco.the time is normal three weeks and magnitude will be between 4.5 and 5.5.

Prediction for Mediterranean Sea

You can see in the images that there are EQ clouds on Mediterranean Sea, one near southwest of greece and another one near lybia or quake is possible there in three weeks.magnitude of the first one( greece ) will be around 5M but the other one I think will be larger.

My last preditions results, turkey predictions was all correct

I told that there are still EQ clouds and pre-quakes in california, now I found that there is a straight contact between pre quakes in southern california and larger quakes souther on california gulf and mexico.I will tell more abput this after compeleting my study on the prediction had fault in location and it happened souther than where I told. My west of turkey prediction happened exactly one week after predictions with one 4M and one 4.3M quakes. My east of turkey predition happend yesterday.A 4.3M quake after 20 days of my prediction so it was correct becuase it happened in last days of my usual three weeks maximum.On that square that I created for Iran another quake happened, a 4M quake on Firuzkooh(northeast of Tehran).

Mexico-California border region(pacific ocean)

In this image you can see EQ clouds on pacific ocean(about mexico and california border region) but because of weather condition of that place maybe these EQ clouds is for active faults of north of california gulf so this place is under threat of quake too. It is an over 5M EQ cloud or two over 4M.It will happen in three weeks maximum.

Iran - New EQ Clouds

In This image you can see some uncertain EQ clouds and some certain, those that I marked on the image is for certain but there are some on north of Iran and some on Iran-Turkministan Border and Turkministan, and Pakistan.Due to Weather changing and rain in those parts those maybe just cloud raising because those parts are all around high mountains, so I say that I am uncertain for those parts.But on that part that I marked will be a high chance of quake from next days to three week or a month in usual conditions.That quake will be over 5M or two over 4M s.

Sorry for delay - California quakes

Sorry for not posting and updating site for a few days.I was so busy. We got many over 4M quakes on california from north to south. Maybe it was many between 4M and 5M quakes instead as a large one that EQ clouds showed, but maybe these are pre-quakes.because I wasn't check Images and quakes I cant say exactly what will happen, I missed some informations in last few days.

California - Still EQ clouds and pre-quakes

Still EQ clouds appear in sky of California and again some pre-quakes started so chance of quake in next few days is again high there.

Turkey is under threat of quakes

Every parts of turkey from west to east is under threat od quake in next few days to a week.I told ablout EQ clouds on east of turkey and here you can see another one on west(north-west),also some pre-quakes happened in turkey.

West of Iran EQ exact

My prediction for west of Iran was correct and yesterday a 4.3M quake happened on west of Iran, Still no one told where the epicenter exactly was but if it was not exactly around the number 1 that I marked on the image of my last prediction,it was around it.Maybe there will be more quakes in those parts that I said before.

Iran EQ clouds - The Situation

In this image you can see 4 EQ clouds in 4 diffrent parts,this made prediction hard because maybe every of them has created by one active faults and moved to east, If this guess is right then the quake will be in W-NW of Iran but if not then The quake will happen in this Rhombus that you can see with white lines on the image.

East of turkey or neighbour and W-NW of Iran EQ clouds

You can see in the images that there are two EQ clouds, one over east of turkey or its neighbour(Armenia) and another on west and northwest of Iran, so quake is possible there and I think the turkey one will happen first.

Still EQ clouds on south of California

As you can see in these images there are EQ clouds on south of California and its border with Mexico.Today is 5th of september(on California time) and nothing happened yet but still there are some signs.

7.1M Of Honshu - 7.3M of Indonesia

I saw the 7.1M quake on near coast of Honshu EQ cloud but because of the lower quakes of there before this I thought that it happened and it was a mistake by me. the same is about indonesia but with some error in location.

Iran EQ cloud

As you can see here is something like EQ cloud on center of Iran(southern Zagros mountains) but it is very small and this made mistake for my prediction, but I think it is an EQ cloud. If so then a quake will happen, I think somewhere like Masjed Soleiman or close to it in two weeks.The magnitude will be near 5M I think and hope not more.

South of Iceland EQ happened.

As I predicted an EQ happened in south of iceland on the sea with 4.3M, I think another one with same power will happen.

Indonesia EQ exact

A 5.3M quake happend in Indonesia today, so my prediction was correct. USGS had some error in location information with their locals so I will wait for more correct info to say about location.

philippines EQ exact

Philippines EQ that I predicted happened today with 5.4M but with some error in location about between 2 to 5 degrees error on longitude.

East of russia EQ exact-(with some error in location)

I predicted an EQ for east of russia but at that time I didn't said exactly where as east of russia cantains a huge part,the reason was not enough informations. anyway today a 5.5 quake happend on east part of russia on the ocean,140 km (90 miles) to SE of Severo-Kuril'sk, Kuril Islands, Russia.the depth was 47.5 KM.

California Earthquake - My prediciton

In the news you can hear that scientists has predicted an earthquake for south of california desert on 5 of september with 6.4M. I was worked on it, My prediction is a little difeerent with them.My prediction is for a little norther than what they said because as you can sea the EQ cloud tha appeared is over santa cruz, gilory and...(around). But I dont say that the epicenter will be there, because I think the Eq cloud appeared norther than epicenter because the possible reason that can move EQ cloud far to the epicenter. also i dont that the epicenter will be as south as they said.I think the quake will be more closer to BAKERSFIELD or cities around it.And about time i must say, saying that the quake exactley will happen on 5th of september may not be 100% accurate. I say between 3 to 6 of september.And the quake will be more than 6M to 6.8M. If I could catch more informations I will post later. NOTE: Enlarge first Image for seeing the marked place.(You can enlarge all images by c...