Predicting Earthquake from EQ clouds, and usual weather forecasting.
West of China or Kyrgyzistan border EQ cloud
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In this Image you can clearly see EQ clouds over west of china or it's border with kyrgyzistan, So a between 5M and 6.5M quake will happen there during 21 days from now.
Now I can say my accuracy in predictions is more than 80%.
As I predicted a small quake happend in sputh of spain but in the sea with 3.6M, and a 4.5 Quake happend in east of Japan on Honshu sea and the tibbet-nepal Quake that I predicted happend with 5.5M but with some error in location, It happend on 330KM north of Lhasa, Tibbet.
I predicted a quake for Chile, a 4.6M quake happend at that location that I highlighted on the Image of it, it was weaker than what I was predcited, so maybe that cloud was connected to this quake, and if it's like this then my prediction is correct but with a lower magnitude than what I predicted, but if it's not, then I can say still there is chance of another quake with the magnitude that I predicted for that location.