
Showing posts from November, 2004

Tehran,Iran EQ cloud

Here is an EQ cloud over Tehran,Iran. this is an important news for people of my country, the quake will be about 5.5M, and will happen in three weeks to one month from now.

West and northern center of Iran, and uncertain north of Iran EQ clouds

In this image you can see EQ clouds over west and northern center of Iran and an uncertain one over north and northeast. the first one will cause an over 5.5M quake, and the uncertain one will cause the same but if true. these quakes will happen in one month from now.

My west of Iran(W - SW) prediction was correct

Exactly one month ago I predicted over 5M quake over west or southwest of Iran(prediction on 22 of october that still exist in the main page), from 2 days ago some quakes with magnitude of 5M nad more(to 5.3M) started to shekae there, and untill now about three or four over 5M quakes shaked that place(between Ilam and Khorram abad). the max time on my prediction was a month and now is one month after. so my prediction was correct.

Southeast of Iran

Here is an EQ cloud over southeast of Iran, at first I thought it is an uncertain one but after Mr. Shanmugasundaram prediction for same place, and after more studying over it I found that a quake with magnitude of about 5.5M or more will happen there in about 25 days.

Kyrgyzistan Prediction happened

From 12th of november in many prediction EQ clouds were near kyrgyzistan and in some I told its name and in some I told its naighbours, at last yesterday a 5.& m happened, epicenter was in Takikistan but it was more near to a city in Kygyzistan.

High Seismism activity days, many uncertain places.

In these images you can see many uncertain EQ clouds, I prefer just to say about country names, but the risk is high in those areas in next 30 days. Northeast of black sea( Russia ), east of Turkey, northeast of Iran and Turkministan border, Pakistan - India border, Kyrgyzistan and west(southwest) of china or border, west and north central of Iran,Lybia or Egypt border, northern phillipines Islands. More informations about these places if recieved will be posted later. Note: click on the Images to see them in full size, they are in large size so I put their thumbnails on site.

My Afghanistan - Pakistan border EQ prediction was correct (or Afghanistan uncertain)

One day after my predition a 5M quake shaked afghinstan near border with my prediction was correct. I dont know this one was the one on the borders that I predicted or the afghanistan uncertain one, soon we will know or even maybe both cloud are caused from one fault.

Pakistan - Afghanistan - India , With one EQ cloud, Afghanistan uncertain

Here is a long EQ cloud over Pakistan - Afghanistan and India, it's a long shaped and in place that borders of these countries are very close to each other, so a quake will happen in that region from now in 21 days with magnitude over 5M. In this image you can see another one that I marked on NW of last one, this an uncertain one over Afghanistan and if its true then a quake will haen in the same time period and magnitude.

West of China or Kyrgyzistan border EQ cloud

In this Image you can clearly see EQ clouds over west of china or it's border with kyrgyzistan, So a between 5M and 6.5M quake will happen there during 21 days from now.

East of Turkey - Northwest of Iran border EQ cloud

In this image you can see EQ cloud over east of turkey and northwest of iran and also maybe its over armenia and azerbaijan too. A quake with magnutide of over 5M will happen there from now to three weeks later or even a month. Another one that you can see in the image is over nrtheast of turkey and its border, its uncertain but if correct then another with same status will happen there.

Kyrgyzistan - China border EQ cloud

Here you can see EQ cloud over Kyrgyzistan - China(Xizang I think) border,So a quake with magnitude of about 5M will happen there. It may happen from now to next three weeks. On the Image there is an uncertain EQ cloud over northern china too,I think it is around Xinjiang and Kazakhstan border.So if this is an EQ cloud then a more than 5M quake will happen there in the same time period.

My off coast West of Canada prediction happened with delay

On 30 of september I predicted an over 5M EQ over off coast west of canada in three weeks, today a 6.5M quake happened there, so my prediction happened with 11 days delay.

East of Turkey or neighbour EQ cloud

Here you can see an EQ cloud over East of Turkey or it's border with one of northeast or east countries. the quake will happen in three weeks with magnitude of about 5M.