West coast of Japan EQ cloud

In this image you can see EQ cloud over westcoast of Japan and off coast of it.So quake will happen there from now to two weeks after,the magnitude will be over 5M or 5.5M.
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Anonymous said…
We too predict Niigata Tyuuetu Earthquake(The Earthquake of west coast of Japan happen october 23).
We predict the preriod and Magnitude of earthquake which happen in Japan.
We discover the sign of earhequake that happen M over 6.5 in Japan at october 20.
The alert period which is estimated M5.5-M6.5 is from the very october 23!

EarthquakeAlert SeismeAlerte
http://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/~yousukef/index-e.html (English & Francais)
E-mail: yousukef@m5.dion.ne.jp
Phone: +81-258-52-4545

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