
Showing posts from September, 2005

My west of China prediction was correct

As I predicted on 8 of september, which was a 100% right prediction in magnitude and location, a 5.1M quake happend in west-northwest of china (NORTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA) yesterday, so my prediction was absolutely correct.

Uncertain EQ cloud over off coast north of California

Here we have an uncertain EQ cloud over off coast north of California, so I can say there is a chance of quake there during a month, the magnitude will be between 4.8M to 6.2M.

Uncertain prediction over central Asia

I saw an uncertain EQ cloud over western China, Kazakhstan and Kyrghyzistan, if it was true, then a quake with magnitude of 5M or stronger will happen there in next three weeks. ( image will be added later due to problems of my image server )