
Showing posts from June, 2005

Sumatra prediction was correct

Yesterday's 6.1M quake of Sumatra - Indonesia was predicted by me in my last post. It was exactly as predicted. but still there is chance of more quakes there.

Uncertain alert for Sumatra and sounthern India and Sri Lanka

In this images there are two suspicious signs one over Sumatra and another over off coast sothern India and Sri Lanka. there are uncertain but if there is going to be a big one then we must look for possible Tsunamies. If those cloud which recognizing them is hard because of heavy clouds and monsoon rains, are EQ clouds, then we must look for a quake between 5.2M to 7M or maybe stronger.

Uncertain south of Kazakhstan or borders EQ cloud

Here is an uncertain EQ cloud over south of Kazakhstan, so maybe a quake between 4.8M to 6.3M is going to happen there in next 30 days.

Off south coast of Japan EQ cloud

First of all sorry for the delay in updating my site, Here are EQ clouds over off coast south of Japan, So there will be a quake between 5M to 6.7M in next 30 days.